More nutritious autumn fruits and vegetables
Red Sweet Peppers: Raw, steamed or broiled; high in Vitamins A, C and E
Pears: A natural sweet that’s high in calcium, fiber, potassium and niacin
Mustard Greens: Meet your leafy green quota and are high in Vitamins A and C
Sweet Potatoes: Baked with skin, good source of magnesium, Vitamins A and C
Swiss Chard: Vitamin-K rich and a good source of calcium, Vitamin C and iron
Grapes: Nutritiously sweet since they are high in Vitamins C and K
Potatoes: Eat the skin and load up on Vitamin C, iron and potassium
Leeks: Create a pureed soup that is high in iron, potassium and Vitamin A
Kale: As a salad, a stuffing or a side veg, a good source of fiber, calcium and iron
Cabbage: Cooked or raw, low in calories, high in Vitamin K and a good folate source
Brussels Sprouts: Good source of Vitamins A, K, B6 and folate
Broccoli: High fiber, rich in Vitamin C and good source of Vitamins E, K and calcium
Beets: Along with the greens, a great source of folate, Vitamin C and phytochemicals
Arugula: Little-to-no fat, like all veggies, and rich in Vitamins A, C and B vitamins
Artichokes: Rich in potassium, magnesium, folate, Vitamin C and other antioxidants
Fruit and vegetables should be a way of life for all humans