Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Workout That Tells Your Office Job to Suck It

Reverse all that sitting damage—no standing desk required.
Experts are now saying that sitting is as bad for your health as smoking. Wha!?!?! Yep! One reason for this is the decrease in mobility that comes from sitting more than four hours per day. While the best remedy is to be active and stand more during the day, that's clearly not always possible when you have a day job. We know what's up, so this Workout Wednesday is dedicated to the key stretches needed to undo some of that unhealthy restriction that occurs when you sit in front of a computer all day long.
Your bones and joints are held in place by muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Prolonged sitting causes a shortening of many key muscles, like the hip flexors and hamstrings. In the simplest terms, this means that, when you stand up, your joints are unable to move freely in the range of motion that they are designed for. This sets you up for discomfort, aches and pains, potential injury, and just inefficient movement patterns that drain your energy.
In longer terms: The decreased flexibility that occurs from sitting creates a sort of tugging on your pelvis when you stand up, causing your pelvis to tilt beyond its ideal angle. Remember that song, "the shin bone is connected to the knee bone"…? It's really true. A tilted pelvis then causes an improper foundation to your spine, and the misalignment continues to travel all the way up to your jaw! The more you sit, the more you need to undo the “damage.” The stretches in this week’s “workout” will help bring balance back to your body. Ahhhh.
The Workout: Do the following stretches every day. The key to stretching is to relax into the move and allow the muscle to “melt” and lengthen. The basic rule is: If the sensation of stretching increases during the length of the stretch, you are stretching too intensely; the sensation of stretching should dissipate during the length of time you spend in the stretch. Ease into each move, breathe, and allow your muscles to relax. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds (you can count it out in your head!). Complete the stretches in a row as listed below, then repeat the sequence.
Check out a summary of the workout in the pin-able graphic below, then keep scrolling for step-by-step instructions for each exercise.

MOVE 1Hip Flexor Stretch
Beth Bischoff
Begin in a kneeling position. Bring your left foot forward so that your left foot and right knee are on the ground. Use you hands for balance or bring them to your hips. Extend upward toward the sky to align your spine (A). Keeping this lengthened torso, lean forward slightly to feel a stretch in your right front hip. Hold and breathe (B). Release back and perform the same movement on the other side.
MOVE 2Quad Stretch
Beth Bischoff
Stand with your feet directly under your hips and about six inches apart. Use a wall or chair to steady your balance if needed. Once balanced, bring you right heel back toward your butt and use your right hand to gently move your heel closer to your butt. Allow the thigh to relax. Aim to keep your right knee in line with your left knee and separated by about six inches. Stand tall and keep the front of your hip open, but tuck your pelvis under slightly. Hold and breathe deeply.
MOVE 3Seated Forward Bend
Beth Bischoff
Sit on the floor with your feet stretched out in front of you so that your knees are open but not locked. Sit up tall, reach your arms overhead, and take a deep inhale. On the exhale, arc your arms forward and reach for your feet or ankles. Allow your upper body to round slightly and release toward your legs. Imagine allowing your chest to drop naturally toward your thighs. Allow your chin to tuck under so that your neck is relaxed. Breathe deeply and gently.
MOVE 4Butterfly Hip Opener
Beth Bischoff
Sit with the soles of your feet together, and allow your knees to drop open. Use your hands on your forefeet to anchor your upper body and provide leverage so that you can pull yourself into the stretch. Sit up tall and take a deep inhale. On the exhale, relax and allow your body to round forward gently as you pull with your arms and release into the forward bend. Imagine that you are trying to move your forehead toward your feet. Relax in this position and breathe slowly.

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