Sunday, 28 December 2014

Why New Exercises Feel So Hard—Even Though You’re Strong

Why You Get Extra Tired When Doing a New Workout-
It has less to do with your muscles and more to do with your brain.
Have you ever been mysteriously sore and tired after a brand-new workout, even though you’re plenty fit? Here’s why: Any time you learn a new skill, your brain and your muscles have to learn how to work together in order to complete it, according to Randy Gruezo, C.S.C.S., founder of No B.S. Fitness Solutions in New York City.
The concept isn't exactly surprising. Think back to the first time you rode a bike or drove a car: You were uncoordinated and fumbled your movements because you were picking up a new ability. "It's simple,” says Gruezo. “The more you practice, the better your brain becomes at commanding your muscles to perform a task."
So the same goes for when you're in the gym. The first time you try an exercise, “your body just thinks, get it done—it doesn't matter how pretty it is,” Gruezo says. “But after you move past the 'get it done' stage, your mind and muscles start processing how to become better at what you're doing," he says. This leads to improved form and the ability to use more weight or perform more reps.
Then once you become efficient at commanding your muscles each time you exercise, you decide to try a new variation—and the “holy crap, I’m wiped!” cycle starts all over again.
“Even though you're recruiting the same muscles, you're doing so in a way in which they haven't yet learned to be efficient," Gruezo explains. Since you're still trying to figure out the best way to use your muscles, it's likely that your body expends more energy, leaving you sore the next day, explains Gruezo.
While this motor-learning effect may kick your butt, it probably won’t help you lose weight any faster, Gruezo says. He recommends sticking with your current workout plan for a minimum of 6 weeks before switching course to allow your muscles to adapt.

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