Friday, 20 October 2017

This Move Will Help to Build Your Butt and Prevent Injury

It'll keep your lower back protected and tighten up your glutes

You know the saying: Don’t skip leg day. But today, we mean it in more ways than one.
While we love doing squats, deadlifts, leg presses, and lunges, we know it’s also important to keep every part of your body maintained, strong, and functional way. So we asked Jess King, Senior Instructor at Peloton, how she keeps her knees, legs, and back functional and fit, all at the same time.
In the video above, she shows you a simple move you can do with just a resistance band and five feet of space.
“You have ski season, snowboarding season right around the corner,” King says. “Your knees are vulnerable.”

To start, place a resistance band between your knees. “Start hips and feet same distance apart, and step away from the midline,” says King. “This can be done in a very small space—just moving side-to-side. You’ll organically feel the burn, and you’ll know exactly where it’s working.”
Plus, as King points out, it’s a fantastic butt workout. “It’s going to keep the lower back protected and pain free,” she says, “and keep the glutes nice and hot.”
She recommends doing these exercises two to three times a week, either right after your cardio or strength training, or you can incorporate it into your stretching routine. Keep at it, and you’ll be protecting your body (and your butt) for the long-term.

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