Saturday, 7 March 2015

10 Ways Peanuts Benefit Your Diet

Peanuts are wholesome energy that offer an array of vitamins and minerals, in addition to protein. Here are our top 10 reasons to keep a canister of peanuts on your desk… in your car… in your cabinet… in your gym bag…

1. A Great Protein Option: Peanuts deliver 7g of protein per 1 oz serving – try to find another snack that does this.

2. Good Source of Niacin: Peanuts contain an important B-complex vitamin, niacin. In fact, a 1 oz serving of peanuts provide about 15% of the recommended daily value of niacin, a vitamin important in energy production.

3. Feel Satiated: The protein and fiber in peanuts can help satisfy your hunger.

4. Defend Your Cells: Antioxidant Vitamin E is found in peanuts. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E help protect cells from free radicals that damage the cell structure.

5. Fiber Never Tasted So Good: Peanuts are a good source of fiber, a 1oz serving delivers 10% of the Daily Value, and most Americans don’t get enough.

6. No Empty Calories: Peanuts deliver 7g of protein and 6 essential nutrients – that’s a powerful, nutrient dense snack.

7. Benefit Your Bones: Recent analysis shows less than half Americans get their daily recommended intake of magnesium—an essential nutrient which helps maintain the health of your bones. Peanuts are a good source of magnesium and an easy and portable way to make sure your reach your goal.

8. Mix & Match: Peanuts are a welcome addition to any kind of snack mix—perhaps, none better than dark chocolate, dried cherries or sunflower seeds. This combination not only adds taste and texture variety but also offers a compliment of nutrients, like vitamins C or A found in dried cherries or vitamin E, magnesium and thiamin found in sunflower seeds.

9. More Manganese: Peanuts are an excellent source of manganese, which helps the body to burn carbs. It acts as a co-enzyme to assist metabolic activity in the human body.

10. They’re delicious: Boom.

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