Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Benefits of Body Chiseling, Jump Rope

This centuries-old modality can make you mobile, agile and shredded.


jump rope

Thankfully, the long, slow jog days of the spandex clad ‘80s are over.
If you enjoy traditional endurance training for fun or stress relief—great! But realize that if building a no-nonsense physique is the objective, there are more efficient ways, like jumping rope.
For centuries prize fighters and other well-conditioned athletes have reaped the benefit of this heart-pumping, cardio blast.

Fat loss

Jumping rope can burn up to 1000 calories per hour, making it one of the most efficient fat-burning workouts available. Unlike other forms of interval training that are much more stressful on the Central Nervous System (CNS), muscles and connective tissues are also spared significant stress while jumping rope.
jump rope


Adding to the synergy, jumping rope works muscles throughout the entire body and develops lean muscles in all major muscle groups.  Of course, jumping rope optimizes conditioning and maximizes athletic skills by combining agility, coordination, timing, and endurance at the same time helping you torch body fat.


So why don’t more infomercials and famous fitness celebrities talk about jump ropes?
Drum roll… money! They don’t make money when you purchase a $5 jump rope.

Jump Rope Program

Start by jumping rope 30 seconds and resting one minute for six sets. Depending on ability, add 10 seconds per week or workout. Make it your goal to complete six sets of three minutes of jump rope, with a 30-second rest interval. When you're able to complete six sets of three minutes, body fat will have melted off and conditioning will be at a whole new level.

Final Thoughts

Jump ropes are inexpensive and portable; the only thing stopping you from getting lean, ripped and fit via jumping rope is you. So give this oldie but goodie a try to look, feel and perform better.

Gym Fix: Work Your Chest and Triceps With the Floor Plan

Try the best accessory chest exercise you're not already doing


bench press on floor
Are you rocking the same chest workout every time you walk in the gym? We bet you are. If you’re like the 98% of guys out there, you’re starting off with flat benching, moving on to the incline bench, then finishing things off with some dumbbell benches and flyes.
What happens when you stick to that template week after week and year after year?

Saturday, 14 February 2015


Not getting the results you want from your hard work at the gym? Here are a few primary culprits

tired man at gym

In your endless hunt for the end-all solution to weight loss, muscle building, and fat burning, you are likely bombarded by hundreds of different methods claiming to be “The One” that will make all the


Follow this simple eating guide to shed more fat and hang onto the muscle you busted your ass to gain.

lean male physique

When it comes to losing fat to look good, people tend to go to extremes. All winter long you have tried to bulk up and pack on the muscle. While this is all good, you may end up with some unwanted body fat. So, you decide to either not eat much, eat too little, avoid certain foods like the plague, and end up miserable with less muscle than you had from

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

5 Ways to Bolster Your Plank for a Stronger Core

Make this core strengthening move more dynamic with these techniques.

Ab Workout - Plank

If you've been to a fitness facility or a Yoga class you probably have a good idea of what a plank is. In fact, you may hate them because they are hard, and get pretty boring. If you are simply just trying to hold a plank position for an extended period of time, you're missing out on

Monday, 2 February 2015

Realistic Goal Setting

IFBB Bikini Pro Bianca Berry shares five tips for goal-setting success
By- Bianca Berry

I’ve never been huge on New Year’s resolutions, but I do see January 1st as a time to clean the slate. Each year I strive to be better than last

Zap 'Em Like Zott for Bigger Guns

Add this unique old-time strongman move to your arm training and blow up your forearms and biceps.
dumbbell curl

Arnold press, Haney shrugs, Kang squats - chances are if you have an exercise named after you, you’ve done something right. Additionally, the